According to the Korea Times the third generation smartphone from Samsung is due to hit the shelves on Monday in South Korea. The Samsung Galaxy III smartphone has received very good reviews since its unveiling in May this year. The Verge review describes the Samsung S3 as a:
Technological triumph. Samsung has done the overwhelming majority of things right. The camera is easily the best I’ve used on an Android device,
the processor claims the title of benchmarking champion, and the customizations layered on top of Ice Cream Sandwich are mostly unobtrusive and
sometimes even helpful.
The phone is expected to be launch with both 3G and LTE models running Google’s Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich operating system and have a 1.4 gigahertz quad-core processor and a 4.8 inch super AMOLED (active-matrix organic light-emitting diode) screen.
Credit: Samsung
Sources: Korea Times, The Verge , Samsung