Recently , AppleInsider published leaked schematics of the low-cost iPhone being used by case makers to do their thing.
Today, NowhereElse has published similar blueprints for Apple’s next-generation iPad – iPad 5.
According to the report, the documents were produced by a machining company developing the product.
NowhereEsle (via Google Translate):
Our source says that the author of this photo, which would undoubtedly have proved reliable in the past worked in a machining company working for several years for the Apple account, but I will not mention the name voluntarily. However, subcontractors working long for the California firm is finally being not so many that the more knowledgeable of you easily will guess which company we are talking about …
Unfortunately for us, this photo was captured in readiness, nose and beard team leaders that employee does not allow us to distinguish between multiple figures included in this document with the exception of one of them. Another shot (CF photo introduction to this article) shows us that the shell of the iPad 5 would measure 7.9mm thick.
“I then attempted to estimate the approximate size of 5 and the iPad it based on the schematic plans for the iPad 4 and iPad Mini provided by Apple. If my calculations are correct, the iPad 5 would measure around 232mm long and wide against 178.5mm 241.3mm 185.8mm long and wide for the iPad 4,” Steve Hemmerstoffer writes.