Windows 8 Phone


 Windows Phone 8 Reboots & Battery Issues

Judging from the current issues faced by earlier adapters of the Windows 8 operating system, Microsoft has a lot of work to do.

According to users on  WPCentral forum and Microsoft’s Support forum, their Windows 8 devices are facing rebooting and battery issues. In a report on the The Verge, the author confirmed that they suffered from the same rebooting issue during the testing of the HTC 8X smartphone.

Here are some of the issue that users are reporting:



[quote] Just checking in to say it has happened to me too, but one time instead of booting back up it displayed nothing but a big exclamation mark on screen for 30 secs, then rebooted again.

I think because so many people are seeing issues that it is software. Not even the original 360 had hardware issues this endemic.

Also, I got mine on the third and it didn’t reboot at all until yesterday. Since then it has done it three times. Once while I was using the phone.

If it is software, my current theories are that it’s something to do with multitasking/background tasks.[/quote]


Microsoft’s Support forum,

[quote]  8X Reboots

I’ve had my 8X for a couple of days, and it’s been having multiple reboots. Lots of people over on WPCentral seem to be having the same problem (

Pretty sure it’s a software problem as have seen people complaining of the Lumia 920 doing the same thing.

Seems like Microsoft rushed WP8 a bit.

Any idea if there is a fix in the works? It needs to come quick, because these reboots are getting on my nerves.

Also, my 8X has serious problems picking up audio. Whether it’s through a call or when recording video, the device is almost unable to pickup my voice. I have to put the mic right next to my mouth and speak much louder than usual to get it to recognize me.

Anyone else with this problem?[/quote]

Of course, not everyone seems to be experiencing these issues and Microsoft would probably fix this with a software update. However, this is no consolation for the current users who are frustrated with their nice shiny gadget.

By Staff

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