Consumers Report has taken the Pioneer AVIC-5000NEX Apple CarPlay receiver for a spin and came away quite impress with the result. The report points to the Siri’s integration as a stand out feature:


As handy as Siri’s natural speech recognition is when you’re just walking around with your phone, it really comes into its own in the car. Siri makes it easy to choose music, get directions, and read or send text messages—all by using your voice with natural speech, rather than menu-driven, formulaic commands.

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In fact, our Pioneer AVIC-5000NEX doesn’t even give you the option of looking at a text message on screen, yet alone typing one. It’s voice or nothing. And that, we think, is a good thing.

You can even leave voice messages to yourself, such as “remind me to take out the garbage when I get home.” Using the phone’s built-in GPS, Siri will remind you when you pull into the driveway.

Siri aside, CarPlay also supports a host of selected apps, including Beats Music, iHeartRadio, Spotify, Stitcher, Major League Baseball, and CBS Radio for news. More apps are coming soon, but Apple hasn’t announced what those might be.[/su_quote]

In addition to Siri, CarPlay supports apps such as Beat Music iHeart Radio, Spotify, Stitcher with more set to come in the future


By Staff

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