
5 Amazing New Features Coming to Google Play Services




Google Play Services is Android’s version of the Apple App Store. It is a digital marketplace and application distribution platform that allows you to purchase and acquire apps on your Android devices. Formerly known as Android Market, the app marketplace started back in October 2008 and has now grown to house over 800,000 apps. New features and functions have also been introduced since the induction of the new name, and Google is now starting to rival Apple’s App Store.

Here are some new features that have recently been implemented into the Google Play Services that allow users and developers to better utilize Google’s app platform.


Google Maps Android API v2


google map


With the new version of Google Maps Android API, you can add Google Maps data to your Android applications. The API handles all the technicalities such as data downloading and map display which allows you to easily integrate Google Maps into your Android application.

This API is intended for Android developers and those who are familiar with Google Maps. This new API means that users will now be able to have better maps and location data available to them. Many features and improvements have been added to this new version including new markers and improved map interactions.


Locations API

This API is another tool that helps developers build more interesting and useful apps. The Locations API allows developers to easily add location-aware functionality to their apps without having to worry about the underlying technology. Google’s Location API is also optimized for power usage that means it won’t drain your battery too quickly. Google has also developed Locations API in a manner that allows it to be flexible and versatile so it can be used in many different forms.


Google Plus Sign-in

These days, social media accounts are tied to web apps and services to save account settings and preferences. These same functions are now available to Google Play Services via the Google+ platform for Android. Not only is Google+ a secure and trusted service, it also makes for more engaging application experiences and interactions. The ability to have personalized app experiences is an attractive feature for users and developers. Google+ sign-in will also give users the ability to share and recommend apps and other content on the Google Play Service, and that will further increase user experiences and interaction.


Game Services

No game is complete without achievements and multiplayer, this stands true even for mobile games. The new Google Play SDK allows users to experience real-time multiplayer game play with other Android users from around the world. Leaderboards and achievements drive user engagement and spark a bit of competition among fellow gamers.

One of the neat features of the new Google Play Services game SDK is the ability to save your game data to a cloud service. This means all your progress and other game data is stored on Google’s servers allowing you to have access to all your game data at the click of a button. Google has recognized the desires of mobile gamers and has developed a fine solution that will improve the quality of new and existing games on Google Play.


Google Cloud Messaging

With Google Cloud Messaging (or GCM for short), you can easily send messages from your server to your users. The service handles the delivery of the message, which could be anything from a small notice to something much larger. GCM is a free service so you will never be charged for sending your messages.

Android is making a big attempt at capturing the mobile market and with these new Google Play Services features we are going to see future apps and users benefit from all the support that Google is providing. If you are interested in seeing the new Google Play features in action, use our Amazon coupon code may 2013 for a discount on Google Play apps.


[box title=”About the Author:” color=”#616161″] Emma Watson is a freelance writer. She writes on Technology, education and grammar, reality shows and more. For more of her helpful blog posts, please go to PromoCode4Share to see useful tips on various topics.[/box]

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