Jony Ive, Apple’s SVP of Design and U2 frontman Bono did a joint interview at the Cannes Lions Festival, where they discussed Apple’s role in the Product Red initiative. Product Red partners with brands to raise money to fund AID/HIV programs in Africa. Apple supported the programme by branding a number of Red-branded products including iPhone and iPad cases as well as iPods and iPod touches.

According to Adweek, Bono was heaped praised on Apple for the involvement but wishes the company was more open about what they are doing.

“One of the reasons it’s such a credit to have Jony Ive on the stage,” Bono told panel moderator and Vice CEO Shane Smith, “is because Apple is so f**king annoyingly quiet about the fact they’ve raised $75 million. Nobody knows!”

For this part, Jony Ive stated that Apple was proud of their involvement in the nonprofit organization.

“We started in 2006 with one (Red) product, a Nano, and now we’ve got well over half a dozen,” Ive said. “It’s been really, really special for us.”

Source: Adweek

via: 9to5mac

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