Credit: Esquire

Here we have a classic case of why you shouldn’t judge the book by its cover.

This story first appeared in the October 27th, 2011 issue of Rolling Stone, written by Jeff Goodell. It was recently republished to coincide with the 2nd anniversary of Steve Jobs’ death.

[quote cite=”Jeff Goodell” url=”″]When I first met Steve Jobs, I thought he was a loser. It was 1980, and I was just a Silicon Valley kid who knew nothing about computers. I had gotten a job at this little computer company near my house called Apple because my mom worked there. It was based in what looked like an abandoned dentists office on Bandley Drive in Cupertino, just a block or two from Apple’s current headquarters.

Jobs was 25 at the time, and what I remember about him is how he would storm around the office, yelling, and how he wore tattered jeans, and how everyone seemed to be afraid of him. I knew his type: uneducated, blustery, a guy who thinks a lot of himself. At the time, I had no idea what computers would amount to and no idea that this guy would turn out to be one of the greatest visionaries of our time.[/quote]

It’s humbling to see that Steve Jobs wasn’t infallible. Nevertheless, he unquestionably care about building the best products and making a difference in the world.

By Staff

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