iPhone 6 Plus Is Proving To Be “Bigger Than Bigger” Indeed

iPhone 6 Plus Is Proving To Be “Bigger Than Bigger” Indeed

While the iPhone 6 Plus isn’t my mobile device of choice, it’s receiving rave reviews from some folks that have been using the device since launch. It’s proving to be highly productive and not as ‘bendy’ as some are making it out to be.

Here is Darrell Etherington’s take on the iPhone 6 Plus for TechCrunch:

[su_quote] My initial set of reviews put the iPhone 6 on top, and the 6 Plus as a close second; further testing suggests they might actually be better characterized as reversed in order – the 6 Plus ends up being a better mobile computing device for my everyday use habits, even if it isn’t necessarily as mobile as its other new companion. Sure, it doesn’t fit quite as nicely in the skinny jeans I generally favor, but it still fits, and it’s a much better device for typing out a post on the go, if I end up needing to do that.[/su_quote]

And today we have James Kendrick of Znet confessing that no other device in recent memory has impacted his daily routine more than the big new iPhone:

[su_quote] I didn’t set out to try to use the iPhone 6 Plus heavily during the work day, it happened naturally given the benefits I’ve mentioned. I used to carry a small tablet like the Kindle Fire HDX to do the things I now do on the iPhone. I wanted to make sure I could get work things done should the opportunity present itself, and that meant a tablet.

Now when I head out with no plans to do writing, I bring only the iPhone 6 Plus. I no longer need a tablet, and that is a profound change in my routine. This works for me because of how seamlessly the hardware and software work together on the iPhone 6 Plus. It’s not good enough to have one or two features, hardware or software, that stand out. It’s how the whole package works together that makes it work so well.

I’m not saying the iPhone 6 Plus is the solution for others, just that it’s working extremely well for me. Some will no doubt get benefits from other phones, and that’s great. Others may find toting a tablet necessary, as I did in the past. Everyone should use what works well for them. That’s what I’m doing.[/su_quote]

Posted by | Posted at October 14, 2014 20:19 |
Storm is a technology enthusiast, who resides in the UK. He enjoys reading and writing about technology.

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