World renowned designer Martin Hajek has created new stunning renders of the iPhone 6 in its retail box. Hajek’s iPhone 6 retail box concept design features borrows heavily from the current iPhone 5c packaging.
[su_quote]Based around my iPhone 6 concept model I decided to wrap a just-as-conceptual packaging idea which tries to show the ‘softness’ of the iPhone inside the box. Looks a lot like the iPhone 5c box, but thinner.[/su_quote]
In other news, Bloomberg is reporting that Apple is currently manufacturing new iPads for release later this year:
[su_quote]Mass production of a full-sized iPad with a 9.7-inch screen is already under way, with an unveiling projected for the end of this quarter or early next, said two of the people, who asked not to be identified because the details aren’t public. A new version of the 7.9-inch iPad mini is also entering production and will probably be available by the end of the year.[/su_quote]