

Credit: TechRadar

Microsoft is looking to step up its competition with Apple Siri and Google now with a new voice recognition technology called Deep Neural Networks, which processes speech in a similar way as the human brain does. The new technology will apparently make speech recognition tech faster and more accurate, Microsoft researchers traveled inside the human brain, so to speak.

It was reported that Microsoft has been rolling out the new tech to Windows Phone users in the U.S. over the last few weeks.

Microsoft has built a tech called “deep neural networks””We’re trying to actually replicate how the brain listens to and interprets speech,” Stefan Weitz, director of Microsoft Bing is quoted as saying.

“The new tech will make it easier for people to use voice to create text messages and do Web searches, similar to the tech called Siri available to iPhone users”, Kevin McLaughlin reports for BusinessInsider. “Microsoft says the new tech is 15 percent more accurate than the previous Windows Phone speech recognition, and can generate texts and search strings faster. This, in turn, lets Bing return search results twice as fast as it did before.”

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