According to a new report from Chitika, an online advertising network, Apple’s iOS operating system continues to dominate web traffic in North America (USA and Canada) at 53.1 percent. Android came second with 44.5 percent follow by Windows Phone  – 1.0 percent, Blackberry – 0.8 percent and Other – 0.6 percent.

Tim Cook had been quick to point out this trend in usage of Apple products compare to competitors. In an interview with Bloomberg Businessweek last year, he had this to say: “Does a unit of market share matter if it’s not being used? For us, it matters that people use our products. We really want to enrich people’s lives, and you can’t enrich somebody’s life if the product is in the drawer.”

“Chitika Insights examined hundreds of millions of U.S. and Canadian smartphone-based online ad impressions between February 1 and April 30, 2014. Overall smartphone usage share figures were drawn from online ad impressions catalogued between April 1 and 30, 2014,” the report said.


By Staff

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