APPLE iTV & iOS7 TV style

APPLE iTV & iOS7 TV style

Apple’s iTV Concept Running iOS 7 By Matt Barrieres

Matt Barrieres has created this really nice iTV concept which runs iOS 7 and uses hand gestures to control the device.

 Apple is rumored to be building a full -fledge TV product. This device is expected to be release something next year along with an smart watch device – iWatch.

Matt Barrieres: “After all the changes that iOS7 is bringing us and all the confirmation that an Apple iTV will be in production beginning 2014, the APPLE iTV might be real by the end of this year. This the way I imagine the new APPLE iTV considering the iPhone, iMac and iOS design.”

APPLE iTV & iOS7 TV style

APPLE iTV & iOS7 TV style

By Staff

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