Despite countless rumors that Apple is set to launch a 4.7-inch iPhone this September but the general consensus is that the release date of the 5.5-inch iPhone will be much later. However, Cantor Fiztgerald analyst Brian White told investors in a research note that the iPhone 5.5-inch will launch alongside the 4.7-inch iPhone based on large level of accessories of the yet to be announced 5.5-inch iPhone.
According to White (via MacRumors):
Also at Computex, we noticed that a few vendors had already started work on accessories for the 5.5-inch iPhone 6 and the pieces were available at the show. Given the lack of data points in recent months around progress with the 5.5-inch iPhone 6 and growing skepticism in the media around a 2014 launch, we view this as a positive development. Based on today’s research, we believe the timing of the 5.5-inch iPhone 6 launch appears to be in sync with our expectation around the unveiling (i.e., September) of the 4.7-inch iPhone 6.